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Langfield Primary School,  Drumquin, Omagh
Open Afternoon 2-4pm Wednesday 8th January 2025. Everyone Welcome!
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School Uniform

Girl's summer dress
Girl's summer dress
Boy's uniform
Boy's uniform
Girl's uniform
Girl's uniform
PE kit
PE kit

It is the policy of the school that school uniform be worn by all children. The wearing of school uniform has a positive effect not only with regard to ethos but also to standards of discipline and on children's selfesteem. The co-operation of parents is greatly appreciated in this respect.

School Uniform consists of: -


Grey trousers

White polo shirt

Red school sweatshirt/sweatcardi

Grey socks Grey short trousers (Summer term only) Black shoes


Grey skirt or pinafore

White polo shirt

Red school sweatshirt/sweatcardi

White socks or grey tights

Red and white gingham dress (Summer term only)

Black shoes

Black sandals (Summer term only)

School sweatshirts, sweatcardis, fleeces and polo shirts are only available through the school. Shoes for both boys and girls should be of comfortable design, flat, and black in colour. Please note trainers are not part of the school uniform. School fleece may be worn as a jacket, not as a substitute to school sweatshirt.


Red Shorts

White round necked T-shirt

Black plimsolls

White socks

Children are expected to be provided with suitable clothing for P.E. and games. All children must have a pair of plimsolls and a pair of red shorts at school for P.E. lessons, as well as a white top. For hygiene reasons, all pupils should have a complete change of clothing. Long hair should be tied back. P.E. kit should be kept in a separate bag and kept in school during the week.


If children are to arrive home wearing the same clothes in which they left, it is essential that all items should be labelled with the child's name. This includes P.E. kit, coats and shoes.