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Langfield Primary School,  Drumquin, Omagh
Open Afternoon 2-4pm Wednesday 8th January 2025. Everyone Welcome!
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Hometime Collection Arrangements

To ensure maximum safety for all the pupils attending Langfield PS, we are asking parents to give us up to date information regarding the hometime arrangements for all our children.  We realise these may change from time to time and would ask parents to make a phone call or speak to their child's teacher in person when such a change occurs.
Normal Weekly Arrangements:
If your child is not collected at the normal time by the usual person, please provide us with some phone numbers to use to find an alternative.
Contact 1
Contact 2
Contact 3
Contact 4
Could we also remind you to keep us informed of any changes to contact numbers, addresses etc, which may be different from those you supplied us with in September.  It is very important to keep the school up to date with any medical conditions or medication relating to your child so that we can deal with any eventualities quickly and effectively.

Many thanks for taking the time to fill this in.